Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy is customized to your specific needs and include the following modalities:
Indian Champissage
Hot/Cold Stone Therapy
*** $100/ 60 minutes | $120/ 90 minutes***
The AoY Signature Celebration Massage
Are you or someone special celebrating a special event? Treat yourself to a fantastic massage where you will be treated to an herbal foot soak while you sip a refreshing drink. You will then enjoy a customized massage with sound therapy ( with crystal and singing bowls and gongs), and Aromatherapy (not used if you are pregnant.) Great for couples, too!
$150 / Couples $275
Reflexology $45 (30 minutes)
Infant Massage $45 (30 minutes)
Ayurvedic Pancha Karma Therapy
Indian Head Massage-- Massage and energy balancing is used to create harmony within the body. Helps to relieve tension and eye strain as well as to promote restful sleep Also aids in prevention of hair loss and stimulates growth. $50
Shirodhara-- A blissful stream of oil is poured continuously over the forehead, resulting in deep relaxation.. Includes Indian Head Massage. $65
Abhyanga--Ayurvedic bodywork treatment in which the therapist uses oils to nourish and feed the bodily tissues. $90
Marma Chikitsa-- The application of accupressure to specific energy points to improve circulation, balance the systems of the body, and awaken the higher mind. $50
Svedana- Herbalized steam treatment activates the sweat glands to flush out toxins. $50
*** Ask about combined package discount